Thursday, March 15, 2007

Minting new Penneys

We've had this blog "set-up" for a few months now and just haven't used it... yet. With a new baby on the way we figured this would be a great way to stay in touch with our friends and keep everyone in the loop.
So (in case you didn't catch the previous statement) we are pregnant. Almost 17 weeks pregnant to be exact. We are happily surprised by this soon-to-be addition to our family and so far all has been going very well. Wesley doesn't quite understand what we're talking about when we keep telling him he's going to be a big "brother" but we know that he'll be great with the baby when he/she arrives. We have nicknamed the baby Shiny Copper since we are not planning to find out whether we are having a boy or girl.

So far...
We've had two visits to hear the heartbeat and in about 4 weeks we will be seeing Shiny Copper for the first time!
Carey has not really had any nausea according to the little research she's done she is not alone, there are others that don't have nausea (don't hate them!!) :-)
Everything still seems somewhat surreal though each day it seems much more real and we are more excited and a little scared... we're gonna be parents?!?! Wow!!

We'll try to update this blog regularly, at least after every Dr's appointment. So stay tuned for Shiny updates and Penney updates!


1 comment:

John Tate said...

Congratulations! I'm praising the Lord that He's giving you a child and that this child is being given to two wonderful parents. God bless your home! I love you guys.