Monday, July 30, 2007

A few fun pictures...

We realized that we have not really posted any pictures (with the exception of our favorite, the ultrasound) so here are a few for your viewing enjoyment...

Carey, Matt and Baby Penney overlooking Camden, ME.

Matt, Carey and Baby Penney on the schooner Suprise from Camden, ME.

Some edema afflicted feet at the end of a long day... AKA blood sausages :-) (FYI, this was immediately after getting home from work before putting my feet up, once elevated for a bit the swelling went down a lot)

36 weeks, OH MY!!

The start of the 36th week of pregnancy brings with it a mixed bag. We are down to 4 weeks until our due date; but in one week we will be considered "full-term" which basically means that the Dr's and/or Midwives have no concerns about letting labor progress if it starts; or we could be allowed to go up to 2 weeks late (6 weeks from now). To me (carey, the one carrying this ever growing baby) this seems to be a little bit like weather forecasters saying that there will be scattered thunderstorms/rain showers, this covers the forecasters regardless of what the weather does they were at least somewhat accurate with their prediction. Now I am not intending to compare our wonderful yet-to-arrive baby to a few rain showers, thunderstorms or any other weather pattern; I merely find it interesting that there is a 5 week period of time during which it is perfectly acceptable for the baby to make his/her appearance, 5 weeks can be a long time.
But, I digress...

We are very excited to be approaching our due date and we can only imagine how fast the next few weeks will fly by! The baby's room is starting to go down the road of readiness. We will be painting this week (hopefully) and then next week setting up the crib and moving in a dresser and armoire. Our house is filling up with baby things and Wes would like nothing better than to play with some of these new toys. He also seems to be getting a little more mopey and clingy. We think he's nervous that something bad is coming, little does he realize this new arrival will be a little playmate for him in no time. We are confident that once the baby arrive home he'll be thrilled!

Both baby and mom are doing well. The baby's heart rate has hovered around 150-160 and continues to grow well. I have entered that fun stage of having little odd things happen; my right hand has been somewhat tingly/numb for the past week or so and I seem to be experiencing some pregnancy induced carpal tunnel symptoms (apparently this is fairly common and is due to water retention). The past few days has brought with it some pretty hot and humid weather (humidity being the key here) so my feet are swelling and have started to look like "blood sausages" (or at least that's what Matt and I agree they resemble). It's really rather funny, it may not be as funny if they start hurting but for now there is no pain just additional size (flip flops are very nice right now).

One of our last blogs mentioned that we were starting our birthing class. We had 6 classes and apparently we are now able to breathe our way to a new baby! Actually we found the class very helpful and really informative, our instructor was a labor and delivery nurse for 32 years at Manchester Memorial Hosp (where we will be delivering) and she had so much great information to share with all of us. She also was part of the team that brought Manchester the spa-style tubs that are used for labor and delivery (if the mother wants) she had so many positive things to say about them we are going to try them out at least for labor and maybe delivery. We'll see how things shape up for it!!

Well I hope this finds all enjoying the summer and doing well, we will do our best to keep this up to date and we will DEFINITELY update this quickly after Shiny Copper makes his/her appearance!
