Friday, October 5, 2007

2 months of Esther

Well the past 2 months have been a blur! Partially because I keep forgetting to put my glasses on; partially because when I am lacking sleep my brain has a hard time focusing but mostly because we have had so much fun getting to know our beautiful little girl!

Esther has been doing wonderfully, she is about 24 inches long and weighs around 11 lbs. She is a good eater and get pretty upset when she is not fed regularly.

We are starting to see glimpses of her personality and she is definitely interacting a lot more with us. She talks quite a bit when she is awake, if only we could understand her. She also likes to watch the lights and everthing going on around her. She has a beautiful smile that creeps out every so often, more and more each day.

Gotta run for now but enjoy the pictures!!

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