Because Carey's belly has not quite popped yet we (mainly Carey) were wondering if there really was a baby in there, and as you can all see there is.
We are very excited to report that Shiny Copper is healthy with a good spinal column, 4 chambers in the heart, 2 kidneys, ribs, 2 legs, 2 arms, all the brain parts they look for and we think a really cute face. :-) They estimated the weight at about 14 ounces.
Shiny was sucking his/her thumb when we caught our first look of our baby. It is so exciting to see Psalm 139 in action, its amazing to see what God does in such a short amount of time. You might say that there was even some personality there too, the technician was trying to get a good look at the front of the baby's face and Shiny did not want to cooperate, but after much bouncing and jiggling of the ultrasound thing on Carey's belly Shiny did turn his/her head and cooperate. So we are thinking that Shiny may have some of our stubborness... not that we are terribly suprised since Shiny is getting that gene from both sides and arguably it is a dominate gene. Shiny has also begun communicating with us through the little kicks and jabs, Matt has yet to feel these but Carey can feel them very well now. Maybe someday Shiny will "bend it like Beckham" and play some soccer.
We look forward to our next appointment and we'll keep you posted on the progress Shiny makes and the score of the soccer match that has begun in Carey's tummy! :-)